We hebben twee routes tot beschikking in deze omgeving. Één is een culturele route met de historische zone van de stad. De ander laat u genieten van prachtige landschappen en stranden in de omgeving.
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Uitzicht stadswallenGeniet van het fantastische uitzicht vanaf de stadswallen.
Water Huis
Deze kleine kiosk met typische decoratie was eens het huis waar vanuit het water van Lagos werd verkocht. Interessante plek om te bezoeken.
Conde de Ferreira Muziek Huis
Oude muziekschool van Lagos
Park Dr. Judíce Cabral
Open lucht Auditorium waar veschillende evenementen plaatsvinden.
Nossa Senhora do Carmo Kerk
Klooster gebouwd in 1554 voor de "Carmelitas Calçadas" op de plaats waar zich de plaats van de Nossa Senhora da Conceição Kapel bevond sinds 1463. From the 1755 earthquake survived the Church of one nave, nave, vaulted entrance lane, with a rectangular chancel surmounted by a dome with lantern, in which there is a barred window where the nuns watched the divine offices.
Santa Maria da Graça Church Site
It was in this site that existed the Nossa Senhora da Graça Church, that was destroyed by the earthquacke of 1755. It was here that the Infant D. Henrique was buried before it's remains were transfered to the Mosteiro da Batalha.
Belvedere and St. Gonçalo de Lagos Statue
Site with a beautiful landscape where you can see the sea, the Lagos Fort and part of the city while listening to the sound of the sea birds.
St. Gonçalo de Lagos is the saint whom the fishermen use to evoke for protection.
Lagos Fort or Ponta da Bandeira Fort
The fort, of maritime type, presenta a quadrangular plant and, in each vertexwhere risen cylindrical watchtowers in 1960.
The inner access is through a lifting bridge and also through the arms gate, in stone.
Inside there is a chapel, internally covered with tiles. Actually it has a Art Gallery.
Infant D. Henrique Statue
Infant Dom Henrique, Duke of Viseu, (1394 - 1460) was a portuguese prince and the most important figure of the beginning of the Discoveries era, also known as Infant of Sagres or Navigator. Born in1394 in Oporto, the prince D. Henrique was the fifth son of the King D. João I, (founder of the Avis Dinasty) and Dona Filipa de Lencastre.
Slave Market
The Slave Market is located in Rua da Graça, Praça Infante D. Henrique. In the XV century, was used to exchange the first slaves brought from Africa. Nowadays is used to show several temporary expositions.
Manueline Window
It was in this window that the King D. Sebastião watched in 1579 his last mass, before leaving to the battle of Alcácer-Quibir, where he died.
Santa Maria Church
In 1498 was built the Misericórdia Church, in which was addorsed the hospital later in the same house. It suffered restaurations and ampliations in the XVI and XVII centuries, and eventually was established parish church dedicated to Santa Maria, when the old temple of the parish was destroyed by the 1755 earthquake. It has a symmetrical facade, flanked by two bell towers that highlight this symmetry.The interior is enhanced by a retabulistic from the 2nd half of the XVIII century and a wooden cover profusely carved. The side door is from the Renaissance era.
St. António Church
Probably built in the reign of D. João V, was constructed to serve as a cult site to the military stationed in Lagos, belonging to the military administration. Damaged in the 1755 earthquake, was recovered in by order of Hugo Beaty, commander of the infantry regiment of Lagos.
In the beggining of the XX century, the church, still under military administration was in a state of preservation rather unfortunate, since water leakage in the roof was damaging the painting of the dome, the walled choir and gilded. Dua to financial problems, it was not possible to carry out the repair of the building. In 1924,the church was classified as National Monument. In 1929, ceases to belong to the War Ministery, and starts being administrated by the passando a ser administrado pelo Ministry of Public Instruction. The repairs, supervised by Dr. José Formosinho, began in 1930. Since then, the church started to a part of the Regional Museum of Lagos. In 1931, the Sacred Art section of the Regional Museum of Lagos was installed in the sacristy of the Church.
Nowadays, it only provides religious services once a year, in the day of its patron (June 13th). The Curch is part of the Dr. José Formosinho Museum.
Municipal Museum Dr. José Formosinho
Installed in an anex building to the Santo António Church, was founded in 1932, by initiative of it's patron, Dr. José dos Santos Pimenta Formosinho. It Desenvolved through combined efforts, with constant donations. The As archaeological excavations realizaded by it's founder, by Abel Viana and Octávio da Veiga Ferreira revealed of extreme importance to the enrichment of the collections. This is evidence of pre-and proto-historic, Roman, Arabic and Portuguese. In the entrance At the entrance boasts a Renaissance portal, that comes from the Church of the Maritime Compromise, in which was adapted an iron gate run by local artists. Its vast collection is distributed by the departments of Archeology, Religious Art, History of Lagos, Ethnography of the Algarve, Painting, Numismatics, Ethnography Mineralogy and Overseas. It has singular collections and museographic pieces unique in Portugal that, by itself, justify a visit. The entrance in the Museum allows the access to the interior of the Santo António Church, an authentic jewel of the gilded Baroque in Portugal. Schedule:
09h30 to 12h30
14h00 to 17h00 (all days except mondays and holidays).
Normal ticket – 2,00€
Youth card, Seniors and Groups with Guide (p/ person) – 1,00€
Free entrance - Children until 12 years (included)
St. Gonçalo Arch
Arch that passes through the Walls with a name dedicated to the Saint of the city.
Tile Houses
Site where you can see two houses covered with tiles with a completely different look of the usual houses.
St. Sebastião Church and Bones Chapel
Built in the place where existed the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, was transformed in church in the XV century. It suffered ampliations and reconstructions after the 1755 earthquake. It is located in a high area of the city and has a large bell tower with a clock. Inside there's a high ceiling, with three naves separated by Doric columns. It has side Chapels, a bone chapel and a gilded altar, whose crucifix is said to have been in the battle of Alcácer-Quibir. It is classified has National Monument.
Live Science Center
The Lagos Live Science Center project is a initiative of the Lagos City Hall, in response to the stimulation sent by the Live Science - National Agency to the Scientific and technological Culture, in order to constitute in the entire national territory a network of centers aimed at promoting science and technology among the general public and creating a suitable framework for training of youth workers and teachers to support schools, the cooperation between scientific institutions, enterprises, municipalities and educational institutions, and development and production of content and resources for formal and non formal education.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie house in Lagos
House of one of the most famous couples in Hollywood.
Municipal Market
Marina and Nautical Activities
In the marina you can enjoy a relaxing tour between the luxuous boats that are present here, and you also have access to inumerous nautical atractions in this area.
Boa Esperança Caravel
The Boa Esperança Caravel is a replica has close as possible of a "caravelão" (here the suffix is diminutive) or "caravela quinhentista" of two masts. Was built by experts of naval constrution in wood, according to what is known about the rules of naval construction of that time, but having in attention the modern requesites of safety and confort.
There were used different woods such as pine in the lining, bulwark, keelson and masts, oak and cork on goals, cambola on deck and poop in yards and eucalyptus. The inner access is available to whoever wants to visit.
Ponta da Piedade
Next to the Trindade camping park, the way is straight ahead, passing by some areas of touristic equipments. At left, is the Dona Ana Beach, collected between cutted cliffs from this outstanding part of Costa D'Oiro.
The cliffs pockmarked that the sea birds adopt as home, contrasting with the greenish blue of the waters, give them a specific color and transform this beach in a cozy place, protecting it from the Northern wind that uses to refresh Lagos.
The Camilo beach comes in the following of the coastline, and can become a second option to reach the same destiny; next to the cliffs, the sea always accompanies us in endless blue horizons.
Nearby, there are several hidden small beaches. With sometimes difficult access, are the preffered spots to nudists and to whom enjoy specially tranquility.
At the end of the road, the Ponta da Piedade embraces the ocean; a long and straight stairway takes next to the sea, where the oddly sculped rocks decorate a small cove.
The fishermen wait here, in their small gaudy boats, for the passengers that wish to visit the caves, and identify the name of the rocks while search to enter the light caves that the sea built. A good tour always depend of the tide...
Who visits Ponta da Piedade cannot cease to feel the intense luminosity reflected by the sea that carefully beautified this corner of the world, making it a naturally privilleged place.
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